Seller Wants To Terminate Listing Agreement

You can find that terminating a Listing Agreement with a Seller can be complicated and tedious; however, it doesn’t have to be. To successfully terminate the agreement between you and your listing agent, there are certain steps that must be taken. You should first consult an experienced real estate attorney who is knowledgeable in these […]

Can I Sell My House While In Forbearance

You may find it difficult to sell your house while in forbearance, but Raad Buys Houses is here to help. Our team will take care of all the details related to marketing, closing costs, repairs, or clean-up needed after the sale – so you don’t have to worry about undertaking any of those burdensome tasks […]

Home Closing Process Timeline

Closing on a home is an exciting and nerve-wracking process for you. It can take anywhere from several days to several weeks, depending on the complexities of your particular situation. To make sure everything progresses smoothly and that you understand what’s going on every step of the way, it helps to have an idea of […]

How Much Does It Cost To Sell A House With A Realtor

When you’re looking to sell a house, it can be complicated and expensive – not to mention all the paperwork! But with Raad Buys Houses on your side, you don’t have to worry about breaking the bank. Our team keeps overhead costs low so that selling is stress-free and affordable for you. You’ll get an […]

Can You Sell A Condemned House

You need to be aware of your rights as both the buyer and seller when it comes to selling a condemned house. It is important for you, as the buyer, to comply with certain regulations in order for the transaction to proceed legally. As a seller, you should also make sure that any offer made […]

Can I Sell My House To Avoid Foreclosure?

Facing foreclosure may seem like an impossible task to overcome, but there is a way out of selling your house fast with Raad Buys Houses. You can avoid the long-term strain of foreclosure and get cash quickly so that you are no longer obligated or expected by mortgage companies. Our team of dedicated professionals understands […]

Steps Of Closing Process In Order

You can close a process in several steps. To guarantee successful outcomes, it is essential that you properly navigate the whole closing process from start to finish. The initial step is ensuring that all relevant documents have been gathered and examined for precision and finality. Next, any outstanding inquiries or leftover issues must be solved […]

Selling A House After Death Of Parent

Selling a house after the death of your parent can be an emotionally taxing process. It’s important to understand all aspects of this complicated situation, from any legal considerations that you may need to take into account to the emotional rollercoaster it could bring up for yourself and other family members involved. The financial aspect […]

Termination Of Real Estate Contract By Seller

Terminating a real estate contract by you as the seller is not always an easy process. When done correctly, it can be fast and efficient, but if any step goes wrong or deadlines are missed, then expensive delays could occur for you. At Raad Buys Houses, we understand that taking back control of your property […]

Sell Parent’s House After Death

When selling your parents’ house after their death, it can feel overwhelming. But You must complete the task nonetheless. The initial step is to make sure you cover all financial and legal bases through the probate process. After dealing with everything in a legal manner, then prepare the property for sale on the real estate […]

How Long After Probate Can A House Be Sold

You may find the process of selling probated property to be complicated, but it is possible, depending on where you live. Generally speaking, after an estate goes through probate court and all debts have been taken care of, the executor – someone appointed to manage your affairs – will need to get authorization from the […]

How To Sell Land Without A Realtor

You may feel overwhelmed when trying to sell land without a realtor. After all, how do you know if you are getting the best deal? Raad Buys Houses has the perfect solution for that! We make it easier for you to avoid going through an intermediary and get top-dollar for your property. Our highly skilled […]

Can An Executor Sell A House Without Probate

You are considering a major decision in selling a house without probate as an executor of a deceased estate. You have to be aware of the legal requirements and tax implications that come with it. Raad Buys Houses can help you make this easier; our experienced team knows how to quickly and efficiently navigate these […]

What Happens If Buyer Does Not Deposit Earnest Money

When it comes to securing a property, you need Earnest Money as an essential part of the deal. It’s essentially a deposit that you give as proof of your commitment to purchase. If you don’t make this payment in time or at all, then Raad Buys Houses can keep this money – meaning both parties […]

What Closing Costs Are Tax Deductible When Selling A Home

When you’re selling a home, it is important for you to know what closing costs are tax deductible. Fortunately, for those who have recently sold or plan on selling their house soon, many of the fees associated with the sale of your home can be deducted from taxes. Raad Buys Houses makes sure that our […]

Selling A House After Divorce Agreement

When selling a house after a divorce agreement, it’s important for you to understand your rights and obligations under the law. You should research all of the details involved in order to protect yourself against potential financial setbacks or disputes with your former partner(s). To ensure that your transaction is fair and equitable, finding an […]

How Much Does It Cost To Sell A House By Owner

Selling your own house can be an attractive option when it comes to avoiding expensive costs and fees. However, you could forget about the hidden expenses associated with selling a property. Things like inspection reports, legal contracts, and marketing the listing – among other related services – all come at a cost! Depending on how […]

Do I Need A Realtor To Sell My House

Are you contemplating selling your property and wondering do you need a realtor to sell your house? It all depends on several factors, such as market conditions in the area and the desired time frame for sale. If you comprehend local laws regarding home sales, have good knowledge of present-day market trends around there, and […]

Selling Land For Cash

Selling land for cash can be a great way for you to unlock fast capital without having to wait months or years with traditional financing. With Raad Buys Houses, you are able to get an all-cash offer in as little as 24 hours and close the deal quickly – allowing you to move on with […]

Can The Executor Sell A House That Is In Probate

You are responsible for settling the affairs of the deceased, which may include selling the property if there is no will, and all heirs agree to it. Generally, you have the authority to sell real estate depending on how it was titled and what state laws allow. It is important that you check your local […]